life, the universe, and everything

HI it’s my birthday!!!!

Already getting off to a “FUN” start, work has been completely insane the last week and continues to be so.

But today is a birthday I’ve been waiting for. For years, decades even, I have wanted to do a Hitchhiker’s Guide themed birthday for my 42nd birthday. Well obviously because of the state of the world I did not get to do a Hitchhiker’s Guide themed birthday party. So instead I am going to to focus on being a really hoopy frood this year, despite the rocky start.

So this last week, what did I do… I reorganized all my costume bins and got them put away.

it actually didn’t take as long as I expected and amazingly I ended up with 2 of the smaller bins totally empty! WOW!

This weekend for my bday Kevin stayed over. Friday we went to Spirit Halloween…

And target…

And got Molly’s for dinner.

I recorded a Scarlet Witch video for tiktok friday night which completely and utterly flopped, posted it on Saturday and after 2+ hours only about 100 people had seen it. Thanks for reminding me why I don’t make tiktok-specific content anymore, tiktok.

Saturday we went to the Disney Archives exhibit at Graceland!! It opened back in July but with Dragoncon we hadn’t had a chance to go yet. Here’s a selection of cool stuff we saw.

I’m pretty sure this may be THE EXACT animatronic head I saw in a Disney special as a kid that scared the crap out of me.

How fortuitous these gravestones were on display here because we’d been planning on making recreations for the yard since last halloween! got lots of good pics for reference.

Fantasmic Malificent!


Mary Poppins Returns

I hated it even more in person

Pretty Woman!

Kevin loves Tron

Speak of the devil…



Ever After shoes!

Walk the Line

Holding hands with Dick Van Dyke

I’ll post all my pics in a gallery soon!
We plan to go back Halloween weekend. I want to wear my Tightrope Walker and get pics with the hitchhiking ghosts.

Saturday night Kevin and I recorded a bunch of silly Luke and Leia tiktoks. Didn’t post those publicly but I’ll throw them in my IG story sometime soon. They’re mostly to send to family.

Sunday I was resolved to be AS LAZY AS POSSIBLE. And I was. Kevin and I watched a lot of disney stuff on youtube, figured out where he wants to eat on our next disney trip, and we decorated for halloween. (Well, kinda, we got everything downstairs and just kinda set around but I want to move stuff a bit and need to get lights up). And then we met the girls for dinner at Mellow Mushroom.

This week I plan to start planning out my Utena costume for sure. When was cleaning up my sewing room and refolding fabric I found some good red stretch I can use for the shorts, and some blue suede that would be nice for the jacket… but I don’t think there’s enough there. So going to start sketching out and figuring out what I need.

Tonight I also plan to be 100% lazy. Then tomorrow, birthday dinner with my parents. Yay!